Blasted Wetland Base Guide (English)

Welcome to my Blasted Wetland Base Guide

Looking for Bases for my Death Korps Assault Brigade, I am inevitably encountered the great bases of Secret Weapon Miniatures. There especially the Blasted Wetland Bases have inspired me and I could imagine these bases or that subject well with my Death Korps. Unfortunately I have not found a dealer in Germany offering the entire range and purchased in the United States is always associated with high customs duties. So I decided to produce the Bases myself and use the normal Games Workshop Bases for them.

What is needed?

Of course you need normal bases as they are found in every GamesWorkshop or Forge World kit. Likewise, plasticcard with a thickness of 1 mm and a circular scalpel is required. In order to design the bases in the correct topic you should have sand, gravel, stones, Flock, water effect and of course, trees or small branches. You can buy everything individually, or simply the corresponding InstantScenery Kit: Wetlands at Secret Weapon Miniatures, it's all included what you need for first base.

Hollow Blank Base

To make the Hollow Blank Base you will take the Circle scalpel and sets it to the appropriate size of the base. I recommend to cut the base from the bottom so that you can not be too large and the cutting edge of the base you need stops, can be seen on the following image.

For the new bottom of the base you will take plastic cardboard and cut again with circular scalpel the floorboards from it. For this you should accurately measure the underside of the base so that the base plates are not too small.

After you cut out the new floor boards, you stuck it with plastic adhesive to the base frame and give them sufficient time to dry.

If the bases are dried, the protruding remnants of the bottom plate are ground to achieve a clean look. Now our Hollow Blank Base is ready and can be equipped with the required details.

Details of the Base

As a swamp is very uneven and some miniatures are too large for the Hollow Blank Base, you can combine both. For miniatures that are simply too big on the position of the legs, I used Korkplates as base and so bring an uneven structure in the base on the place the miniature fits easily.

Alternatively or additionally, trees, stumps and branches are mounted on the base. If you bought the Instant Scenery Kit: Wetlands of Secret WeaponMiniatures, then also take the Masterclass Scenics: Tree Stumps or go in your garden or forest and collect branches and roots that you like. I found a box of dead bonsai trees and use them for tree stumps, branches, or even whole trees.

If you've stuck your first details now the subsoil of the swampland is missing . Everyone has their own preferences which sand or rubble he uses, I have a mix of many different varieties of sand, stones and earth. This gives the surface more "depth".

After application of the subsurface your base can primed, after sufficient drying time, in the desired color.

Paint the base

Drybrush the surface with Texture: Lustrian Undergrowth

Light Drybrushing the ground with Layer: Loren Forest

Very light Drybrushing the ground with Layer: Nurgling Green

Drybrushing the tree bark with Base: Dryad Bark

Light Drybrushing the tree bark with Layer: Gorthor Brown

Drybrushing the splinters (tree core ) with Layer: Baneblade Brown

Shade the tree with Shade: Agrax Earth Shade

Light Drybrushing the tree bark with Base: Steel Legion Drab

Light Drybrushing the wood splitter (tree core) with Layer: Karak Stone

Fouling the swampland

In the Instant Scenery Kit: Wetlands of Secret Weapon Miniatures can be found Olive underbrush, Fine Turf Soil and 2 different field grass. For the first bases of the content should be sufficient, but if you need a lot of bases then I can only recommend you Woodland Scenics. There you can buy the above grasses and some more in larger bundles.

We begin with Olive underbrush, this is freely mounted on the base to represent marsh plants in the water. Just remember to leave enough space for the character, less is more.

Then we take the Fine Turf and mix it with wood glue to make a paste.

Apply this paste with a brush on the trees, stumps, branches and at will to achieve the effect of moss.

In order to generate more "depth" to the base, I have decided to attach myself small, colored leaves in some places.

For tall grass you take the two Field Grass in green and yellow. These are mixed in a 50/50 ratio and glued together in small bunches with UHU glue on one end.

When the glue is dried in the tufts, they are mounted on the base and cut to the desired length.

Now the base and the design is finished and you can glue your miniatures on it.

Give all enough time to dry, because if you fills the water effect and the glue is not dry, unsightly blisters or gray haze may arise.

The final result can look like this:

Last words

I hope you had pleasure to read these instructions and perhaps replicate. Should questions arise regarding the construction manual or which is related to other issues Death Corps and all with them, just contact me here.

If you want to support me, so that further assembly instructions can cause then you will find a Donation Link below.

I thank you and hope you enjoy building.

143rd Assault Brigade

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